What is it? Adds Reverb to a sound to simulate an environment. How to use it Selecting Reverb from the menu will bring up a dialog box with the following four parameters, Reverb, Delay, Feedback, Filter. The default parameters will give a fairly natural reverb effect. The Reverb field can have a range of 0 to 200%, it controls the mix between the original sound and the reverb. For example a depth of 100% would be 100% of the original sound and 100% of the reverb. A depth of 0% would be 100% of the original sound and 0% of the reverb. A depth of 200% would be 0% of the original sound and 100% of the reverb. The Delay field can have a range of 0 to 999 milliseconds, it controls the amount of time before the reverb starts. The larger the Delay amount is, the larger the room appears to be. The Feedback field can have a range of 0 to 100%, it controls how much of the sound is fed back into the reverb. The larger the Feedback amount is, the longer the reverb lasts. The Filter field can have a range of 0 to 100%, it controls how much low pass filtering the sound gets as it is fed back into the reverb. The larger the Filter amount is, the shorter the reverb lasts. This gives the effect that the room has sound absorbing things in it. The Presets popup menu has the choice of 9 different reverb types. Notes If you are getting noise most likely it's because the reverb is added on top of the original sound which is causing the modified sound to be clipped. It works best if there is no clipping, even the smallest amount may cause noise. So you may need to drop the amplitude of the sound before adding Reverb, especially if the Reverb amount is around 100% and the Feedback amount is high. For best results there should enough silence at the end of the sound so the reverb can fade away naturally. See "Glossary" for more information.